Mitsubishi confirms ASX crossover vehicle for Australia Mitsubishi Motors Australia Limited has confirmed its new sub-compact all-wheel drive vehicle will be known as the ASX when it arrives in Australia in August.According to MMAL’s president and CEO, Masahiko Takahashi, the ASX nameplate is based on theconcept of an “Active Smart Crossover.”“
The ASX is primarily a city car – very stylish and manoeuvrable around town – and the adoption of the European brand name reflects this.“But ASX is more than just a pretty face. It also has the added benefit of being very smart, especiallyin terms of the technology that drives its engineering, design and all-wheel drive ability,” Takahashi said.The ASX is closely based on the Concept-cX show car, first unveiled at the 2007 Frankfurt MotorShow. The vehicle is available in Europe and Japan with a variety of power plants, and the choice ofeither two or four-wheel drive configurations.
While MMAL has not yet revealed full specifications for the ASX range, the company has confirmedthat the Australian line-up will include both diesel and a petrol engines and will be available for sale in Australia in August.